Maya Angelou
'MSA was able to support members and give them an outlet to express themselves other than through sports through a six-week therapy group. The sessions encouraged discussions and openness of members which our community usually keeps locked away in fear of being judged. As well as conversation there was also art making: each piece of art work was special and an inner expression of our inner thoughts and feelings. Nabila was a very encouraging and sensitive, understanding each participant's vulnerability and how to gently tease conversations which initiated the healing process we all needed to move on from our traumas'. Yashmin Harun BEM · Founder & Chair of MSA
'Nabila delivered art therapy workshops for young people as part of our summer programme She was great at building trust with the young people to help them talk more openly about their emotions, we saw a different kind of engagement from young people who were going through a lot personally and she did have a really positive impact on our relationships with the young people.' - Eleanor Tull, Creative Programme Coordinator, Streets of Growth.
'Nabila Azam has been a therapist and a group facilitator at the Psychosis Therapy Project and the Usemi Racial Trauma clinic since 2020. She is a compassionate and highly competent therapist who has been a true asset on our team'- Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Founder & Clinical Director, Psychosis Therapy Project
'The feedback has been extremely positive, everyone felt at ease and enjoyed the sessions.'
Sue Norris - Founder & Operational Manager.
'All of the women have expressed that they have found the sessions really valuable - they say that they feel listened to in a way they have not experienced before'
Cat Millar - Women Service Manager, Southwark & Lewisham Women's Service.
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